
Despre / About

[RO] Salut,
Pentru inceput, cateva idei legate de acest blog. Din mare nefericire, in Romania nu exista inca un sistem care sa permita evaluarea restaurantelor si locurilor de hapaiala pentru ca publicul sa stie unde sa se duca si ce sa gaseasca acolo. Prin urmare facem totul la nimereala si ajungem sa ne plangem de servire de igiena si de dureri stomacale. Vreau sa incerc sa fac incetul cu incetul o lista cuprinzatoare de popote despre care sa stim exact "cu ce se mananca" pentru toti gurmanzii interesati de acest lucru si mai ales sa cladesc un inceput in domeniul "evaluarii" de catre public a sistemului alimentaro-culinar romanesc. Si cine stie, poate pe viitor o sa avem si noi o rubrica in ziar dedicata criticilor.

[EN] Hello,
For starters here are a few ideas about this blog. Unfortunately in Romania there is no system dedicated to evaluating restaurants or eateries that would allow the public to know where to go have a dinner or what to find where they want to go. Thus we take random decisions and in some cases, besides food, we also get a lousy service, a toxic-infection and we get to complain about poor hygiene. I plan to gradually build a list of places to go eat knowing what we can expect when we get there for all us food-lovers out there and mainly to start making the first steps in the food-criticism field on behalf of the public's point of view. And hey, who knows, maybe in the future we'll get a small column in the daily newspaper dedicated to the critics.

by bucharest-dining.blogspot.com

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